Foto oleh Yeoh Seng Guan
Bangunan baru, bilik tayangan besar, alatan audio-visual serba canggih... malangnya crowd tak seberapa. 8 orang saja penuntut yang datang untuk tayangan 'Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka' tadi. Mungkin tajuk filem ni tak cukup menarik untuk tarik orang datang menonton. Crowd paling kecil setakat ni. Tapi aku tak kisah, kalau sorang saja yang datang pun aku tetap akan layan.
Walau apa pun, sesi diskusi tetap menarik. Seperti biasa aku akan mula dengan bertanya soalan2 seperti "Jadi, apa fikiran korang tentang filem tadi?" dan "Siapa kat sini yang tak pernah tahu pun pasal sejarah ni?" diikuti dengan "Kenapa korang rasa sejarah ni tak dimasukkan dalam buku teks sejarah sekolah?"
Untuk soalan terakhir tu, seorang gadis berkaca mata telah menjawab, "Revolusi." Semua orang tergelak sambil menoleh ke arahnya, menantikan penjelasan. Gadis itu menyambung, "Ya lah, mereka tak mahu kita tahu pasal People Power, tentang sejarah rakyat yang bersatu untuk buat perubahan. Sebab kalau rakyat tahu, susah mereka nanti."
Apa korang fikir?
Selasa, Oktober 23, 2007
10tahun di Monash
Dicatat oleh
Fahmi Reza
10:12 PTG
Kategori: Masa Tayangan
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6 ulasan:
hi fahmi.
i seriously find the video bloody interesting.
the thing is, i just discussed hartal about a month ago with a good friend of mine.
talking about my ignorance, how i was all fed by the MOE's history textbooks. (mind u, i work with the MOE. huhu ironic!)
anyways, ur video and that Klue article in this blog did open my eyes. and obviously i'd go dig more about it.i really didnt know about hartal.
i dont understand how could only 8 people attended the show. how come i was not aware of such shows? could it be 'not free'? :D tak banyak iklan kot.
ok, sekian.
hi, thanks for your feedback.
the show was free for the students. setakat ni aku memang tak pernah charge apa2 untuk filem aku. always free screening.
pasal publisiti, aku nampak banyak poster di tampal around campus. jadi, memang students semua busy atau tak minat.
satu permintaan. boleh tak kalau kamu organise satu screening di office MOE tempat kamu kerja? setakat ni aku dah buat screening di office The Sun last week & plan to do more office screenings. i can even come for Q&A's and discussion about the film. amacam?
hey interesting la.
i'll ask around to whom or where should such events be referred to.
i'll let u know if i am able to move my way around..
or i try to get one particular dude who used to do screenings in AEI in UM to join with me. he now works with jabatan peguam negara i think.
ok, email me directly at
good luck! semoga sukses!
Hi Fahmi,
Even though I haven't seen the movie yet I applaud & support your effort in finding the truth abt what really happened 60 yrs ago. I remember when I was in Form 3 (1985) in the history books there were a few paragraphs abt AMCJA/API/AWAS dll. but did not specifically say their activities esp abt their role in the Hartal. I'm glad you took up the opportunity to describe the other side of history where the govt tried to hide from the public. It is an inconvenient truth for them as it will expose more forgotten heroes & heroines that should be up there along with Tun Dr. Ismail, Pak Sako, Burhanuddin Helmi & Ibrahim Yaakob to name a few.
Is it possible for you to screen the movie here in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah? I'll be very happy to contribute & help in any way I can...
You...da man!
re: gadis berkaca mata
aku rse ada btolnye ape yg disuarakan oleh gadis berkaca mata tersebut.ya,"revolusi",people power","reformasi" etc..itu semua amat ditakutii oleh mereka yang memerintah.bagi aku,mungkin mereka ini ada agenda mereka sendiri yang tersembunyi,"untuk kepentingan sendiri mungkin".ak ada tgk filem micheal moore "SICKO".kt dlm filem tu ada ditunjukkn bgmna kuasa rakyat itu sbnrnye.
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